The online application process for the enlistment of AAO (Assistant Accounts Officer), Office cum Field Assistant , Light Vehicle Driver and Sahayak posts under APDCL, AEGCL and APGCL has been delayed till first September 2018.
Earlier the online application process was supposed to start from 18th August 2018.
You can discover the detail promotion here : Click Here
Today, on 21st August 2018, the Chairman, Selection Committee-B, Bijulee Bhawan, Guwahati-1 declared the same.
It peruses,
With reference to the EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO: MD/APDCL/HR/REC (2017-18)/2017/85/119 & 120 (Dated 14th August, 2018), this is for the information of the candidates that due to some unavoidable circumstances, the Date of Commencement & Date of Closure of Online Application Process have been postponed to 01.09.2018 & 25.09.2018 respectively. Inconvenience is regretted.