Important General Knowledge 2018 Questions for Assam Police Constable Recruitment Exam (PET) 2018: Have you finished application procedure of Assam Police Recruitment 2018? In the event that you say yes, at that point you might be searching for Assam Police Recruitment 2018 questions and answer. In this Series we will discuss about Top 50 Most Important General Knowledge 2018 Political Science, General Knowledge (GK) Questions for Upcoming Assam Police Constable Recruitment Exam (PET) 2018. This will also help you for the preparation of Exams like SSC Exam 2018, Railway Group D Exam, APSC Exam. Etc.
Top 50 Most Important General Knowledge 2018 Political Science Questions
1. ___________ has not introduced Panchayati Raj so far.
(a) Assam (b)
West Bengal
(c) Kerela (d)
Answer : Nagaland
2. Panchayati Raj is
included in ___________
(a) Union list (b)
Concurrent list
(c) Stateliest (d)
All of these lists
Answer: Stateliest
3. Under sixth schedule
provisions have been made for administration of tribal areas in ___________
(a) Nagaland, Mizoram,
Tripura and Assam
(b) Mizoram, Meghalaya,
Nagaland and Assam
(c) Tripura, Meghalaya,
Mizoram and Nagaland
(d) Assam, Meghalaya,
Tripura and Mizoram
Answer: Assam, Meghalaya,
Tripura and Mizoram
4. One of the
characteristics of local self-government is mini __________
(a) Government (b)
(e) law-maker (d)
guardian of government
Answer: Government
Top 50 Most Important General Knowledge 2018 Political Science Questions
5. By whom is the National
Integration council chaired?
(a) Deputy Chairman of the
Planning Commission (b) Prime Minister
(c) President (d)
Home Minister
Answer: Prime Minister
6. Which of the following
statement is incorrect?
(a) Sikh community’s right
of wearing and carrying of Kirpans falls under common domain.
(b) Provision for
facilities for instruction in mother tongue at primary stage falls under
separate domain.
(c) To value and preserve
the rich heritage of our composite culture is a fundamental duty.
(d) Discrimination against
citizens on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth is not
Answer: (a)
7. ________ is a/an
important means to solve the problem of national integration
(a) Education (b)
(c) Religion (d)
None of the above
Answer : Education
8. Which of the following
is a minority right?
(a) Special provision
relating to the language spoken by a section of population of any state.
(b) Right to equality of
opportunity in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office.
(c) Right to all religious
and linguistic minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.
(d) Right to conserve
distinct language, script or culture.
Answer : (b) Right to
equality of opportunity in matters relating to employment or appointment to any
Top 50 Most Important General Knowledge 2018 Political Science Questions
9. In which of the
following ways national integration can be strengthened?
(a) Clearing the concept
of national integration for better appreciation.
(b) By removing economic
(c) Only (a)
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Answer : (d) Both (a) and
10. Which of the following
statement is correct?
(a) Rights which fall
under common domain are applicable to minorities.
(b) Rights which fall
under separate domain are applicable to all citizens.
(c) State cannot make any
provision for reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any backward
class of citizens.
(d) Prohibition against
compelling any person to a taxes for promotion of any particular religion.
Answer : (d) Prohibition against
compelling any person to a taxes for promotion of any particular religion.
11. Which of the following
relates to the problem of national integration?
(a) Political parties (b)
(c) Tribalism (d)
All of these
Answer: (d) All of these
12. Constitutional provisions
are provided to product rights and safeguards
of _______
(a) Schedule caste (b)
Schedule tribe
(c) All citizens (d)
Answer: (d) Minorities
13. Which are the two
obligatory functions of a state from among the
(i) Public Health (ii)
(iii) Justice (iv)
Development of Agriculture
(a) Both (i) and (ii) (b)
Both (ii) and (iii)
(c) Both (iii) and (iv) (d)
None of these.
Answer: (c)
Both (iii) and (iv)
14. The state is the
result of________, it is note made.
(a) force (b)
(c) people (d)
Answer: (d) Growth
15. Term of legislative
assembly is ________ years.
(a) 5 (b)
(c) 2 (d)
Answer: (a) 5
16. Who is the
constitutional head of a state in India‘?
(a) Governor of the state
(b) Chief Minister of the
(c) Judge of High court
(d) President of India
Answer: (a) Governor of
the state
17. In a
Parliamentary form of government, real powers of the state are
vested in the?
(a) President (b)
(c) Parliament (d)
Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister
Answer: (d) Council of
Ministers headed by the Prime Minister
18. During which period do
Fundamental Rights under Indian Constitution
remain suspended?
(a) General Election
(b) All type L21 emergencies
(c) National emergency (d)
In all the above situations
Answer: (c) National
19. Which of the following
determines that Indian Constitution is federal?
(a) A written and rigid
(b) An independent
(c) Vesting of residuary
powers with the centre
(d) Distribution of powers
between the Centre and States
Answer: (d) Distribution
of powers between the Centre and States
20. Secularism means ______
(a) Suppression of all
(b) Freedom of warship to
(c) Separation of religion
from state
(d) A system of political
and social philosophy that does not favour any particular religious faith.
Answer: (d)
21. In preamble, liberty
means _______
(a) Belief, faith and
(b) Expression, belief,
faith and worship
(c) Faith, trust and
(d) Trust, worship,
expression and faith
Answer: (b) Expression,
belief, faith and worship
22. Protection
of life and personal liberty is included in ______
(a) Right to
constitutional remedies
(b) Cultural and
educational rights
(c) Right to freedom
(d) Right against
Answer: (c) Right to freedom
23. To promote _____ and
_____ amongst all the people of India is a
fundamental duty.
(a) Harmony and spirit of
common brotherhood
(b) Peace and security
(c) Love and affection
(d) Unity and integrity
Answer: (a) Harmony and
spirit of common brotherhood
Top 50 Most Important General Knowledge 2018 Political Science Questions
24. Assam became _____
state to implement education act.
(a) 21st (b)
(c) 16th (d)
Answer: (b) 19th
25. What is the minimum
number of years fixed for a child to get free
(a) 10 years (b)
6 years
(c) 14 years (d)
8 years
Answer: (d) 8 years
26. What are the three
types of services that the Constitution of India envisages?
(a) Civil, military and
(b) Navy, air force and
(c) All India services,
Central services and State services
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) All India
services, Central services and State services
27. The Constitution of
India is _____ in nature.
(a) flexible (b)
very rigid
(c) rigid (d)
partly rigid and partly flexible
Answer: (d) partly rigid
and partly flexible
28. Where are the
Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens contained?
(a) Part III of the
(b) The Seventh Schedule
of the Constitution.
(c) Part IV of the
(d) None of these
Answer: (a) Part III of
the Constitution
29. What does Right to
Equality mean?
(a) It permits the state
to make discrimination on the ground of residence.
(b) It permits the state
to materialize all means of production and distribution.
(c) It permits the state
to make special provisions for women, children and backward classes.
(d) It prevents the state
from making special provision for women, children and backward classes.
Answer: (c)
30. The Directive
Principles of State Policy is contained in ____
(a) Schedule VII of the
(b) Part IV of the
(c) Part III of the
(d) In all the above parts
Answer: (b) Part IV of the
31. The Directive
Principles of State Policy constitute a manifesto
of ___ and ____ foundations of Indian democracy.
(a) Social and economic
(b) Social and political
(c) Political and economic
(d) Cultural and political
Answer: (a) Social and economic
32. The largest democratic
country in the world is _____
(a) The United States of
(b) Pakistan
(e) The United Kingdom
(d) India
Answer: (d) India
33. What is the minimum
age prescribed for election as the
President of India?
(a) 25 years (b) 18 years
(c) 35 years (d) 40 years
Answer: (c) 35 years
34. When were the first
general elections held in India?
(a) 1947 (b) 1957
(c) 1952 (d) 1960
Answer: (c) 1952
35. Who accords
recognition to the various political parties are
national or regional parties?
(a) President in
consultation with the election commissioner
(b) Election Commission
(c) President
(d) Parliament
Answer: (b) Election Commission
36. On which of the
following democratic system of administration
is based?
(a) Fundamental rights
(b) Universal Adult Franchise
(c) System of local self-rule
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d) All of the above
Top 50 Most Important General Knowledge 2018 Political Science Questions
37. Who conducts election
to the office of the President of India?
(a) Minister for
Parliamentary Affairs
(b) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(c) Election Commission of
(d) Prime Minister’s office
Answer: (c) Election Commission of India
38. The Election
Commission is responsible for the conduct of
elections to ______
(a) State legislatures
(b) The office of President and Vice President
(c) The Parliament
(d) All of these
Answer : (d) All of these
39. Name the organ that
decides the disputes regarding election of
the president.
(a) The supreme court
(b) Both Supreme Court and
High Court
(c) The Election Commission
(d) The Parliament
Answer: (a) The supreme court
40. Which of the following
statement is correct?
(a) To contest in
election, candidates need not make any legal
(b) Democracy and election
are not interrelated.
(c) There is no
educational qualification for candidates to contest
in elections.
(d) Candidates need
educational qualification to contest in elections.
Answer: (c)
41. Which among the
following choices voters can make in an
(a) Choose their
representatives who will make laws for them.
(b) Choose who will form the government and take major decisions
for the administration and development of the country.
(c) Choose the party whose policies would guide the government
and law making.
(d) All of these
Answer: (d) All of these
42. Local self-government
works at the ______ of democracy.
(a) Grass root level
(b) Top level
(c) Middle level
(d) None of the above
Answer: (a) Grass root level
43. Local self-government
acts as the ______ of democracy.
(a) representative (b)
(c) agent (d) leader
Answer: (b) foundations
44. The source of maximum
income to Panchayati Raj institution
(a) local taxes
(b) regional funds
(c) government grants
(d) share in union
government revenue
Answer: (c) government grants
45. ______ was the first
state to hold direct elections to Panchayati
Raj institutions after the enactment of the 73rd Amendment
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b)
(c) Rajasthan (d)
Answer: (a) Madhya Pradesh
46. When was the Panchayati
Raj introduced in the country?
(a) 1952 (b) 1957
(c) 1959 (d) 1961
Answer: (c) 1959
47. ______ was the first
state where Panchayati Raj was
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Bihar
Answer: (b) Rajasthan
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